Dr. Tim Prater
Doctoret in Chiro
CrossFit Level 2
About TIm
Tim Prater, aka Doc, started his CrossFit career essentially on a bet- “I don’t think you’ll do this workout, and if you do, this guy’s time will destroy you”. This workout has become his passion- the pinnacle of fitness. Doc’s definition of fitness is that on a continuum, with illness being on one end of the curve, wellness in the middle, with the goal of FIT as a constantly growing, changing development. He played football at Kalamazoo College with highlight of being D3Football.com’s defensive player of the week from the defensive end position. Football led to the many injuries that drew Doc into his main line of work – Doctor of Chiropractic.

Motivation & Passion
Daily his goal is to find the best possible fix for every patient that walks into Denton Chiropractic & Natural Health, where he practices. “CrossFit is the best workout model that I’ve found, and I’ve coached, strength coached, trained athletes from child to senior to professional, and the combination of techniques done with a proper diet, stretching/mobility program/stability supplement can lead to the best possible athletic performance. I love CrossFit and what it has brought to my life”.
Dr. Coleen Prater
Doctoret in Chiro
CrossFit Level 1
About Coleen
Nutrition, functional movement and rehabilitation, prenatal fitness, postpartum rehabilitation

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
18 years

Coach Trisha

CrossFit Level 2

Nutrition & Modifications

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Thrusters all the way!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
10 years

Coach Cory S.

CrossFit Level 1

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Cleans/any WOD with a barbell

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
6+ years

Coach Erin

CrossFit Level 1

While I do not have a special certification, I tend to gravitate to postpartum mothers. I have been postpartum three times since beginning CrossFit and its actually what brought me to the gym!

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
I used to be a runner so I enjoy WODs that have a running component, and weirdly enjoy overhead lunges ha! My favorite lift is a clean, least favorite is snatch *insert eye roll*

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
6 years, and coaching for 2

Coach Ben

CrossFit Level 1

Coach Jena

CrossFit Level 1

Just helping people meet their goals, whatever that may be.

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Thruster/anything that isn’t an AMRAP

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
9 years

Coach Cole

CrossFit Level 2

Olympic lifts

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Favorite movement: Cleans. Favorite WODs: Nacy and Helen

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
8 years

Coach Shannon

CrossFit Level 1

I love finding scales to meet people where they are currently at and also challenge them to get to where they want to be.

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Cleans and double-unders!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
7 years

Coach Corey T

CrossFit Level 1

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Fav. Lift: Over Head Squat
Fav. Movement: Toes-to-Bar
Fav. WOD: Bradshaw

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
14 years

Coach Barb

CrossFit Level 1

Physical limitations that require modifications

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Barbara Ann! (With modifications)

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
4 years

Coach Joe

USA Olympic Lifting Certification

Gymnastic strength training

Favorite lift/movement/WOD?
Deadlift, Oly Lifts, and Handstand Pushups

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
10 years
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